Dependency Network of The Most Depended-on LuaRocks

Nodes and Edges:

This is a plot of all 1122 packages in the root manifest of LuaRocks. Nodes represent a LuaRock and the size is relative to the amount of indegrees or edges entering the node. A larger node means a more depended-on LuaRock in the sense that it supports more packages (i.e. has more dependents). Hovering over the bubbles show the name of the LuaRock. The color of the bubbles are grouped by outdegree value, larger values are blue, values in the middle are yellow and smaller values are red.

Data from Layout rendered using Gephi by first generating a random layout before using Fruchterman-Rheingold and finally Force Atlas 2. Rendering done by Sigma.js. Scroll your mouse over the graphs to zoom in.

Cool things to notice:

  • mjolnir atoll, bottom right-hand area